Statistics Internship Credit (STA 192) Proposal

Internship Credit Process

STA 192 allows students to receive unit credit for an internship related to statistics.   Please complete the form below so the department can evaluate whether the internship is eligible. If approved, you will be contacted by the Statistics Department and given a CRN for STA 192.  At the end of the quarter, you are required to submit a final report by the last day of instruction. 

STA 192 Internship Proposal

e.g. Data Science Intern, Business Analyst Intern, etc. 
e.g. Accenture, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, etc.
The Verification Letter must be on the employer letterhead and include the:
  • job title
  • exact start and end dates of employment
  • # of hours of work per week
  • place of employment (address), and
  • a brief description of duties.
The Verification Letter is usually writtent by a supervisor or hiring manager.  It cannot be written by the student. 
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
e.g. June 15 through August 12th.
**30 hours of work per 10 week quarter (or 6 week summer session) = 1 unit of academic credit**