Associate Ins

Associate Instructors

Occasionally the Department of Statistics will employ a graduate student to act as an Associate Instructor of a lower-division course. AI positions are normally given to the more advanced students, or to those who show promise as teachers. An AI is responsible for the instruction for the course, and for coordinating the duties of their TAs. If you would like to be considered for an AI position, please contact the graduate coordinator Pete Scully (


Associate Instructors work at 50% and are paid as follows:



AI, 50%

20 hours per week





AIs are also eligible for remissions on their in-state fees. For 2013-14, quarterly in-state fees stand at $5,367.54, health insurance (SHIP) included . After fee remissions, students employed as Associate Instructors are only required to pay $261.54 per quarter. AI fee remissions do not cover Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition.


Resources: One useful resource for instructors is the UC Davis Faculty Guide.