STA 290 Seminar: John Owens (UC Davis)

Statistics Colloquium: STA 290

Thursday, October 17th, 2013 at 4:10pm, MSB 1147 (Colloquium Room)

Refreshments at 3:30pm in MSB 4110 (Statistics Lounge)

Speaker: John Owens, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis

Title: "What's New with the GPU? Programmable Parallel Processing for Future Computing"

Abstract: The computational power of GPUs, coupled with increasing programmability, is making the GPU a compelling platform for high-performance computing. In my talk, I will convey the fundamentals of the GPU's hardware organization and software environment for programming GPUs so that they're accessible to smart folks with no prior background on the topic. Our research group pursues a wide variety of problems in GPU computing, with a future focus on the grand-challenge problems of programmability and data centers, and I expect to both touch on some of our work in the area of fundamental data structures and algorithms, programming models, and applications as well as visit topics of possible interest to statisticians.