STA 232A: Applied Statistics I

Subject: 232A
Title: Applied Statistics I
Units: 4.0
School: College of Letters and Science LS
Department: Statistics STA
Effective Term: 2011 Fall

Learning Activities

  • Lecture - 3.0 hours
  • Laboratory - 1.0 hours


Estimation and testing for the general linear model, regression, analysis of designed experiments, and missing data techniques.


STA 106; STA 108; STA 131A; STA 131B; STA 131C; MAT 167

Expanded Course Description

Summary of Course Content: 
Analysis of factorial models, regression, analysis of covariance, randomized block designs, repeated measures, nested models. 
Simultaneous inference (including the modern topics like FDR), missing data techniques. 

Illustrative Reading: 
Possible textbooks covering (parts) of the 232-sequence: 
1. H. Scheffe (1959) The Analysis of Variance, Wiley 
2. A. Sen and M. Srivastava (1990) Regression Analysis, Springer 
3. J. Faraway (2005)Linear Models with R, Chapman & Hall/CDC W.N. Venables and 
4. B.D. Ripley (2003): Modern applied statistics with S-plus, 4th ed., Springer 

Potential Course Overlap: 