STA 290 Seminar: Jairo Fúquene Patiño

Jairo Fuquene Patino

Event Date

Mathematical Sciences Building 1147

Speaker: Jairo Fúquene Patiño, Assistant Professor, Statistics, UC Davis

Title: "Bayesian methods to estimate the completeness of death registration"


Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems should be the primary source of mortality data for governments. Accurate and timely measurement of the completeness of death registration helps inform interventions to improve CRVS systems and also generate reliable mortality indicators. In this work we propose the use of Bayesian models to estimate the completeness of death registration at global, national and subnational levels. We propose suitable Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms to measure the uncertainly of the predictive completeness at the different levels and study the theoretical properties of the Bayesian models. The use of our approach can allow institutions improve the model parameter estimates and prediction of completeness of death registration. Our new models are based on a dataset updated based on 120 countries and 2,748 country-years. To illustrate the effectiveness of our proposal at national and subnational levels, we consider the completeness of death registration in a low-income country as our comparator dataset. 

This talk is based on joint work with Tim Adair, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne. 

Seminar Date/Time: Thursday, November 3, 4:10pm, at MSB 1147 (Colloquium Room)

Refreshments: 3:30pm, MSB Courtyard (will move inside if it rains)
